
December 11, 2023 | 教师关注的焦点

特色猎鹰:Dr. 吉吉·戴维斯

What is your name and current title with the 澳门在线赌城娱乐? Dr. 吉吉·戴维斯, associate professor of elementary 教育 in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Technology and program coordinator for elementary, 教育与人类发展学院的基础/协作以及聋人和重听教育. Where are you from and […]

December 6, 2023 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

Graduate Opportunities Continue to Grow for UM 校友

大学为任何寻求进一步教育的人提供研究生课程和证书, 无论他们是刚刚完成本科学位,还是经过多年的职业工作后重返校园. You still belong at Montevallo. UM offers graduate programs in business, 咨询, 教育, 英语, 运动科学, instructional technology and speech […]

December 6, 2023 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

UMNAA Award Winners Recognized on Founders' Day

澳门大学全国校友会于十月十日举行年度颁奖酒会及晚宴. 12 to honor the outstanding service of a staff member, 教员和校友, closing the celebration of the University’s founding. 优秀员工服务奖基拉·托马斯' 12,大学营销总监 & 获颁杰出员工服务奖,表扬[…]

December 6, 2023 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

UM Founders' Day Recognizes 127 Years of Forward Momentum

The University community convened on Oct. 12 to celebrate the institution’s 127-year history on Founders’ Day. This year’s theme was “Momentum,这句话听起来很真实,因为当天的活动表明了大学正在取得的各种进步. The festivities began with the morning convocation, 高年级学生第一次穿上毕业礼服的地方[…]

December 6, 2023 | 毕业生档案


As a transfer student from Walker College in Jasper, 鲍勃·贝克(Bob Baker) 78年来到密歇根大学学习质量会计课程,并有机会参加男子篮球队. 他不知道他会带着一个负担得起的教育离开,这将帮助他在商业领域茁壮成长,并将友谊持续下去[…]

December 6, 2023 | 教师关注的焦点

教师简介:博士. 阿什利Wurzbacher

博士前. 阿什利Wurzbacher was a writer, she was a reader. While delving into the worlds of Latin American magical realism, literary fiction centered on complicated women and short story collections, 《泰特斯维尔, 宾西法尼亚, native discovered an eagerness to tell her own stories. Wurzbacher是一名英语副教授,今年8月出版了她的处女作. “[…]

December 6, 2023 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

Featured Falcons: Kevin Harvey

Before being recruited to play lacrosse here, senior Kevin Harvey had never heard of the 澳门在线赌城娱乐. After his first visit to UM, an 11-hour drive away from his hometown of Parkland, 佛罗里达, he immediately knew that he belonged on the bricks. “I absolutely fell in love with the size,” he said. “我一直……

November 27, 2023 | 教师关注的焦点

特色猎鹰:Dr. 詹妮弗Alexiou-Ray

What is your name and current title with the 澳门在线赌城娱乐? 珍妮弗一. Alexiou-Ray, Ph值.D.他是研究生院主任,教学技术项目协调员 & Educational Master’s Programs and professor of instructional technology & 领导. Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in? I grew up in Helena and attended […]

November 15, 2023 | 新闻稿

WalletHub Ranks UM Third Among Top 10 Alabama Colleges and Universities

WalletHub recently released its 2024 College & University Rankings report, 在阿拉巴马州排名前十的大学中,澳门在线赌城娱乐排名第三. WalletHub compared more than 800 institutions in the U.S. 30个关键指标. The data set is grouped into seven categories – student selectivity, […]

November 13, 2023 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

特色猎鹰:Dr. Caplow苏珊

What is your name and current title with the 澳门在线赌城娱乐? Dr. 苏珊·卡普罗,副教授和环境研究项目协调员. Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in? I’m originally from Minneapolis, 明尼苏达州, and I currently reside in Montevallo – I love to walk or bike to work! […]

October 30, 2023 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

Featured Falcons: Sue Garrett

Sue Garrett never planned to become an online sensation. 当这位哈珀斯维尔人开始在她的个人Facebook账户上发布她吃饭的照片时, 她没有想到,她对烹饪的热情会迅速演变成一场烹饪冒险,并通过社交媒体与数十万人分享. Garrett, known to internet […]

October 17, 2023 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

Featured Falcons: Easton Fothergill

就在一个多月前,他刚刚接受了紧急手术,切除了脑部感染的脓肿, 澳门在线赌城娱乐的大四学生伊斯顿·福瑟吉尔(Easton Fothergill)以11磅的体重赢得了由卢主办的2023年巴斯马斯特学院经典锦标赛, 13 ounces on the final day at Milford Lake. 这位明尼苏达州大急流城的本地人在2024年体育学院获得了一席之地[…]